Strawberry fever is the condition that causes a usual "early to bed" person to stay up until almost midnight making a strawberry-rhubarb pie from scratch. It also describes the panicked feeling you feel knowing that strawberry season is only 3-4 weeks long, and you have to pack in all the essential strawberry dishes in that time period. Fresh, local strawberries are one of life's greatest pleasures, and they are gone too quickly every year. I got my first two quarts of the season today from a farm close to where I work. I'm hoping to pick more later this week. The rhubarb is from our CSA. The filling recipe is courtesy of the Joy of Cooking. The crust recipe is from my dear mom, who taught me that pie making is an art, a rapidly dying one, at that.
MMMMMM....wish I was there to try some! LOOKS FABULOUS!!!
There are farms all over this part of California that grow strawberries -- its a summer mania, according to my friend Margot. She say
Oops, I didn't finish that post.
Margot says that you drive around the country roads out here, and there are little strawberry stands hither and thither. (is that a real expression or did I just make it up?)
I am GA GA over green peas...the grocery store here FINALLY has them, and I've been eating them by the zillions.
Oh, did you see Karen's cell phone puzzle on her blog? Just remember, she has the same amount of majors as I do cats. And husbands. Oh, wait...
I did see that post. The only one that had me stumped was how many places her family has lived...I'm thinking it's only that house in Alfred but I'm not sure. Did you call her yet?
I called her, and my guesses were correct, tee heee!!
I have two interviews tomorrow!!! One at the UC Davis Law School Clinic, to be an administrator, and another at Mishka's Cafe, my favorite cafe. Hurray!!
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