kitchen gymnastics
Someday, Krestia and I will buy some land out in the country somewhere. We'll build a little house. Among other things, that little house will have a kitchen designed just for me, where I will never have to do this to put away the dishes:

Ha! This reminds me of our first apartment. Our kitchen was so narrow that only one of us could fit widthwise in it at a time (and we were skinny back then, too!). I would climb up on the cupboards until a growing Millie inside made it too hard.
And, by the way, I'd love some fresh, Alaskan salmon. Don't forget the blessing of your fresh, local salmon as you mourn the loss of bountiful strawberries! :)
Dear Rachel,
i live in NYC need i say more. everything is vertical. my boyfriend is 6'4" and he has to stand on a stool. and it is so small i don't think you could stand in the kitchen and take a photo that showed a full body kneeling on the 1 square foot of counter space we have. I can't believe you live in alaska!!?!?!?! that is awesome. Ted and I want to visit some time. bye!!!
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