My trip to the North Slope region of Alaska was an eye-opening experience. I flew almost every day, mostly in small planes. I saw the tundra during the summer, which is beautiful in a strange, barren way. Part of me looks forward to seeing it in the winter, but another part of me thinks that I must be crazy to look forward to being in Barrow in the winter. I learned one word in Inupiat: "aarigaa," which is an expression of satisfaction. I unfortunately didn't get to eat any whale meat or Eskimo ice cream, but I will be going every three months from now on so I'm sure the experience will come along sometime. So no food pictures to share with you, but hopefully you'll enjoy these anyway...

Okay, I guess this one is kinda food-related. This is a dumpster in Barrow. All the dumpsters in town are spray-painted with positive, inspirational sayings (maybe to prevent someone from spraying them with not-so-positive sayings?). This saying refers to events in the mid-1900s when all whaling was banned because of over-hunting by commercial whalers. The Inupiat people protested because they were not the ones to blame for the whales being hunted to the brink of extinction. They have been hunting and eating whale meat for centuries. They eventually won back the right to continue whaling the way they have always done: sustainably and respectfully.

Another semi-related food picture! This is caribou fur (I think) drying in Point Lay, one of the villages I visited. Caribou season opened mid-August and continues through the next month or so, then may re-open depending on how many caribou are killed. I spoke with someone in the village who got a caribou a few weeks ago and had already eaten most of it. He was hoping to get another one soon.

No food at all in this picture, just the beautiful beach in Point Lay. Can you see the town just over the hills there? I loved this village. It helped that the weather was perfect the day I was there, about 60, sunny and clear.

Just to prove I was really there, here's a picture of me next to some whale jaws in Barrow. This was taken in front of the Inupiat Heritage Center.

The Arctic Ocean. We stayed a few blocks from here while in Barrow. I'll be sure to take another picture in a few months with all the snow and ice. Then it will really look like the Arctic Ocean.
Nice. Here are my photos of The Dumpsters of Bethel
great to catch up on your life, I will be checking back often!
great photos of an amazing place!
i wonder about the dumpster quote, if it was also referring to dumpster-diving for free/illegal food?
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