More strawberries

Today my husband and I went to pick strawberries at Hurd Orchards, a place about half an hour from here. The picking was good but the field was pretty messy--no defined paths to pick in, no idea of what has been picked or hasn't. It made me long for the good old days when my parents took us to Shultz's Strawberry Farm (formerly in Hornell). Still, in about half an hour we picked 10 quarts. We paid $21 total which I think is a really good deal. They charge by the pound, not the quart. The price is $1.75 per pound unless you pick more than 10 pounds, in which case you get a discount to $1.50 per pound (we picked 13 pounds). I don't think we'll have any problem using up the berries. We used up one quart already tonight for strawberry shortcake (my Grandma Grastorf's recipe--buttery and yummy). Also, on the way home from picking we stopped at a farmstand and bought a pound of fresh, local edible pod peas. And today was our CSA pickup day, so we have a fridge full of greens to use (this week: kale, spinach, dill, cilantro, red lettuce, green onions, and mizspoona--I know, I had never heard of it either--it's a cross between tat soi and mizuna). Hooray for early summer produce!
we are cooking two chickens in the oven right now. YUM. One for me, one for Bret. =)
Oh my god! I have two thumbs!
*wiggles toes*
I decided to spam someone's blog, because sometimes I have the IRRESISTABLE IMPULSE TO KEEP POSTING COMMENTS!!!
*eats a strawberry*
*spits out a worm*
*gives birth to a turtle*
*craves peas*
I wonder what happens if you cook peas and strawberries TOGETHER???
It would be pretty, at least!!
They would definitely be a great combination for a greeny fruity salad.
Rachel, I think I have OCD. I can't stop posting comments. Seriously.
Yesterday we went artichoke picking!
Okay, I just totally made that up.
*whispers* I'm still here....
*turns computer off and goes to bed, wondering what Rachel will do when she looks at her blog and sees over 20 comments...*
Rach, I'm SO sorry for spamming your beautiful blog. I feel like a wretch. I just got all wound up last night. I woke up this morning and was like, ut oh....what did I DO last night to Rachel's poor blog??
So sorry!!!
You are a crazy kid. I don't mind the spam. :) It's nice to know someone reads it! It's a silly blog anyway.
Its a GREAT blog!! It inspires me to cook.
We saw the Al Gore movie today about global warming -- it is FABULOUS and you and Krestia have GOT to go see it ASAP!! Its really great.
I made Thom Kah Gai soup today with the leftover chicken. There is a wonderful asian market a block away from our house that sells fresh lime leaves, lemongrass, galanga, etc. YUM!! (its a Thai coconut soup)
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