Tuesday, January 09, 2007

baked alaska

Baked Alaska is a dessert I have never made, but have always been intrigued by. For those of you who are unaware of this culinary oddity, it consists of ice cream in a cake shell, covered by meringue and baked in the oven (here's a sample recipe that sounds yummy from epicurious). The thick egg white meringue on top keeps the ice cream from melting while in a hot oven. Magic.
So why do I bring this up? Well, it's the only food-related item I can think of to post along with some big news: my husband and I are moving to Anchorage, Alaska. He got a job there. We are excited for all the opportunities this move brings our way. We will be moving within a month, most likely. This brings up another food challenge: we have resolved to use up as much as we can of the food we already have before we go. That means trying not to buy more groceries until the pantry has been emptied! This is probably an impossible feat, but I enjoy the challenge nonetheless. And once we get there, I'm hoping to enjoy some local Alaskan food: fresh salmon, maybe even some caribou, who knows. It may be awhile until I post again due to all the commotion around here. The next post will be from Alaska!
So the next time you make Baked Alaska (if you ever make it) think of us. And maybe I'll try it just once before we go.


At 5:12 AM, Blogger Scraggle18 said...

I only eat baked alaska when I am half baked.

At 7:37 PM, Blogger karenlikescereal said...

hey- that is awesome! Go see the world! And then write us blog posts about it.

At 4:39 AM, Blogger Scraggle18 said...

So, are you in Alaska yet, my sweet? *bakes some alaska* I'm thinking of you a lot, and hoping your move is going well. Especially with the recent cold weather in the northeast. I hope you're doing well! *sends good luck and safe tidings*



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