Monday, February 12, 2007

starting from scratch

Hello from Anchorage! This is the kitchen in our apartment--we just moved in last week so the kitchen is not quite functional yet. As you can see, I am now cooking on an electric stove which is not my favorite but will have to do (all the apartments here have electric stoves). But...this kitchen has a great breakfast bar with a view of downtown Anchorage and the mountains and tons of counter/cupboard space, so on the whole I'm happy with it.
(Here's a picture from the kitchen looking over the breakfast bar to the view of downtown and the mountains out our window.)
So far the food discoveries here have been good. I've taken up partial residence at the downtown Kaladi Brothers coffeeshop, mostly to use their free wireless but also to enjoy their short classic cappuccinos. We have done most of our grocery shopping at Fred Meyer but also have made a few trips to the New Sagaya city market. Groceries are more expensive here, but so far I've been able to find everything and it's been good quality. Fred Meyer sells my favorite Frontier chai blend, so I'm happy! Our apartment is within walking distance from the downtown farmers' market which starts operating in May or June.
I'm finding it to be a bit overwhelming to start building a kitchen pantry from scratch. We go to the grocery store at least once a day (yesterday we went three times). So far I've bought four spices to start my new spice collection: basil, oregano, cumin and chili powder. Little by little I'll get my supply back to where it used to be!


At 6:19 PM, Blogger karenlikescereal said...

cool! I actually love starting from scratch, and I love grocery shopping too. But it's surprising how expensive replacing all those little things is. Do you have any more pictures of your apartment?

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Scraggle18 said...

Yes yes! More photos! You can always upload them to photobucket, and then post a link here, if you'd like to keep your blog cooking-oriented. :)

*throws confetti*

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, blogspot is in spanish since I'm in Mexico. Haga su comentario! I had a wonderful day today, and am so glad to see a post from Alaska! Do it more often! I am glad taht I convinced bradley to bring our spices to vancouver, as that is something i hate buying up as they are expensive. But the rest is fun. I'm off to have grand food adventures in Mexico, and I had a wonderful day in Durango today. I love you


At 4:41 PM, Blogger rlbuckwalter said...

okay, by popular demand here are more pictures of the apartment (my sisters have seen these all already):
I am not a great photographer...these are so people can get a basic idea of what the place looks like.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Scraggle18 said...

I have a cooking question!! *raises hand urgently in manner of Hermoine* Why should we use shallots, as opposed to regular onions? My husband is very loyal to recipes, so he gets shallots when a book calls for them. I, on the other hand, am too cheap to buy tiny onions for a higher price than the fat ones I can get in bulk. So, tonight Bret is making something, and asked me to chop. One of the items he put on my chopping block was a shallot. While regular onions don't bother my eyes at all, this little whipper snapper shallot made my eyes sting and water! As I was chopping, I wondered - are shallots more potent and flavorful than "normal" onions? Is that why recipes sometimes specify shallots, instead of big onions? Ultimately, my question is: Is it worth it to pay more for tiny shallot onions when a recipe calls for them? Or should I continue to blow off "shallots" and use normal onions? Thanks for the advice, Miss MennoGourmet. :)

At 3:38 PM, Blogger heidiann(e) said...

holy cow guys! i just read your blog, just realized you're in alaska, and am so excited for you guys.
i guess you won't make it to our springtime yurt-warming party... I had you a christmas card, and it just came back to me - i'd written the address wrong. turns out, though, i was REALLY wrong!
hope you're well. again, so excited for you.
blessings to you both!

At 4:16 PM, Blogger rlbuckwalter said...

We will be sad to miss that yurt-warming party. Krestia and I talked in the frantic weeks before we left about trying to visit you and Phil...we would love to see your place. I think we're really interested in seeing more of the way you guys are living--it's something we both would like to know more about. Unfortunately the moving process was too much for us to get away. So stay there for a few years! :) We'll be back in the area to visit family sometime.
And heck, send up the card if you want to. Our address is 140 Eagle St #302, Anchorage, AK 99501. And if you and Phil like seeing wildlife, we have already seen a moose and a bald eagle in our backyard here. Come visit! :)


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