I'm missing something
Okay, I'll tell you. It's my appendix. I went into the hospital on September 12th with abdominal pain and emerged later the same day without my appendix! Being a nurse myself, it was interesting to be the patient and experience everything from the other side. I am happy to say I was treated very well. The most painful part actually was after I came home when the medical bills started arriving. I have insurance, thankfully. If this had happened a few months earlier I wouldn't have had it yet (I had to be at my new job for 3 months before I was eligible for insurance). Basically, once I meet a $2000 deductible for the year, my insurance pays 80% of costs, I pay 20%.
Here's a rundown of the bills I've received so far. The first number is the total bill. The second number is after insurance paid their portion, so it's my responsibility to pay.
- ER physician exam: $576.00, $104.20
- IV fluids (2 bags Normal Saline): $197.00, $39.40
- IV antibiotics: $59.00, $11.80
- CAT scan of the pelvis with contrast: $213.00, $42.60
- CAT scan of the abdomen with contrast: $235.00, $47.00
- Pathologist's fee (for examining the appendix once it was removed): $145.00, $27.00
- Anesthesiologist's fee: $1078.00, $338.90
- Surgeon's fee (it was a laparascopic procedure): $3300.00, $790.00
Total I will have to pay: $1400.90
Wow. Thank goodness for insurance. Thank goodness I have a job that pays well so I can afford to pay the bills that I still owe even with insurance. What a crazy health care system.
I know, it sucks! I have an 80%/20% plan as well, thanks to our union (which I did a lot of stuff for last year.)
I've already paid $762 to the hospital, and I will probably pay another $1000 at least once they bill me for the surgery itself.
The whole 80/20 thing makes me think that hospitals jack up the prices because they know it won't hurt the consumer that much.
i'm so glad you're okay!
God, thats horrible Wachl! The insurance I've had has always made me only pay like 10-15 bucks for doctor visits and meds. I don't know what I would have to pay if I had a hospital visit for surgery, like you and Karen have had...
Now I have Blue Cross/ Blue Shield through the U of R graduate student plan, and we'll see how much of things it pays. Good grief.
Have you guys seen the movie, "Sicko?" I haven't seen it yet, but I want to.
I wonder if Bret has health insurance yet. He JUST started his new job, so perhaps he doesn't.
you have a two thousand dollar deductible??? AHHH!
How are you feeling now? Glad to hear you came out of it all right, with the exception of the bill, of course. Now, the important question is do you have a really cool scar?
Meggan made a good point. I actually have a $200 deductible. One zero different, but a very important zero. :)
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