my little herb garden

I am so proud of my little herb children. Some of these herbs are from my mother (oregano, thyme, chives, parsley) and others (both basils, dill, sage) I bought as seedlings at the public market this past spring. Due to our warm, wet summer, and the fact that the garden in the front of our house faces south, all of them are growing well. I don't know a lot about gardening and we live in the middle of the city, so I'm amazed it worked. It's a pleasure to walk out my front door and pick herbs for dinner. I even have just enough basil to make a small batch of pesto if I pluck all the leaves off a bush of it all at once, then let it grow back for another batch. The only disappointment is my cilantro--I planted cilantro seeds too late in the season so now I have just a little bit of it (you can barely see it beside the sage). So when our CSA doesn't have it, I've resorted to buying bunches of it at Wegmans to make my favorite fresh salsa (which I have to make a batch of whenever we have fresh tomatoes). I'll know better next spring.
See if you can identify the following in the picture: basil, thai basil, sage, thyme, dill, cilantro, oregano, chives, parsley.
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