Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Shrine of St. Therese

If you're ever in Juneau, I highly, highly recommend visiting this place. It's about 20 miles north of downtown on the Glacier Highway going out of town. There's a little sign pointing to the left at mile marker 23 or so. After parking in the lot, I walked down a trail towards the coast. This is what I saw:

It doesn't look like much, just a teeny island off the coast with rocks around it. But...walk across the causeway and under the trees....

This little chapel is in the center of the island. A trail borders the island with all the stations of the cross along the way. It's a beautiful, meditative place. I walked. The trees dripped. I tried to take pictures, but with only a point-and-shoot under a canopy of trees on a rainy day, I didn't get really good ones. I wished for my photographer-husband, who would have taken pictures that captured the beauty of this place. Here's my feeble efforts:

One of the stations of the cross--I think resurrection? but I'm not sure

Christ among the Sitka Spruce.

View from the island overlooking Lynn Canal.

Sadly enough, after wandering around the island for half an hour or so, my cell phone rang. Of all places for my cell phone to ring, this really felt like an intrusion. But I was in Juneau for work, and this call was work-related, so I took it, and soon left. I hope to be back, and next time I'll turn my phone off.


At 2:56 PM, Blogger Meggan said...

wow. that's very beautiful.
we'll have to go to juneau one day.

At 5:45 PM, Blogger John David said...

Nice. Is there a congregation that worships there?

At 10:25 AM, Blogger heidiann(e) said...

how lovely.
your pictures convey quite a lot.
i think i'd love it there.


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